Reading incentives may not be the best choice to
get children to read, unless they already love reading. Our local library has a
reading program for kids every summer. If the children reach the reading goal,
they get a new book. This works well for students who want books, but those who
don’t want to read, are not enticed to participate. Other places offer toys or
candy. The problem with these incentives is they are telling the students reading
is so bad they need to be paid to do it. Research shows that once the rewards stop, so
does the reading (Willingham, 2014).
When my son was little, getting him to read was a
chore. He participated in the reading incentive programs, but only until he
reached the minimum goal for a prize. I finally found a way to get him
interested in reading. I found a book series that I thought he would like, and
only read him book one. If he wanted the rest of the series, he needed to read
it for himself. This strategy worked in
ways no incentive program ever had.

Daniel (2014). How to Trick Your Kids into Reading All Summer Long. Retrieve
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