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Monday, May 18, 2015

The 4 C’s of 21st Century Learning

After reading about the Partnership for 21st Century Learners (P21) and the AASL’s Standards for 21st Century Learners, I noticed that all of the 21st century learning systems incorporate some combination of the 4 C’s: Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Communication, and Creative Thinking. The problem is they are not using all 4 in most of them. All 4 of these skills are required for students to succeed in the 21st century.

Students who have skills in collaboration are at a distinct advantage in the 21st century workplace. Teamwork is a major aspect of many jobs today, both corporate and blue collar.

Critical Thinking
The children of today will be filling jobs that do not presently exist. The best way to accommodate this is to teach our students how to make inquiries and solve problems based on the answers. Problem-solving ability is one of the most important skills a person can have today.

Technology has made it possible to go to class, conduct business, and visit with family even from different countries. This makes communication skills even more important than ever before. Students need to learn how to communicate using print, broadcasts, and digital forms.

Creative Thinking
            Many careers today and in the future are dependent on creativity and innovation. Technology is the evolving at a drastic rate, and developers of technology need to create new technology based on the demands of the public.

These are just a few of the reasons that the 4 C’s are necessary for students to be prepared for the future careers they will need to fill.  I feel the standards that do not cover all 4 of these skills are neglecting a major part of the students’ education.

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