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Monday, May 11, 2015

Finding My Independent Voice

What are your thoughts, feelings, vision, concerns, and outlook on your current profession or the one you plan to pursue? 
My goal is to teach young children the joy of reading. Reading is the most important skill children need to learn. All education requires this ability. Unfortunately, too many children are getting by without a strong foundation in the ability to read. On average, one in four children grow up illiterate (, N.D.). This bothers me a great deal. I want all children to experience the joy of losing themselves in a great story.

 How do you plan on developing your own independent voice within your professional field?  

I am not sure what my plan for creating my own independent voice in the education field is at this time. I am still undecided in my final career, but all of my choices involve helping children become better readers. My goal is to create a love of reading in as many children as I can.

I might become a teacher and create a curriculum that allows students more freedom in their choice of material. As a student, I remember reading books that I hated, and for some children, that can turn them off of reading. I want to help children see how much fun reading can be.

I may become a librarian and create programs that encourage reading in my patrons.  I would have book clubs, book fairs, story time, and reading challenges that reward students for reading a specified amount of books. I would also have other activities such as movies and game time that encourage student to come to the library.

Becoming a reading specialist is my third option. For this, I will specialize in helping readers who have difficulties. Since this requires one-on-one lessons, I will be able to cater my lesson plans to the student. I can incorporate their interests into the lessons, making them more appealing the child.

Reference: (N.D.). 11 Facts about Literacy in America. Retrieved from:

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