After reading
about the Learning Commons model for libraries, I believe this will be very
beneficial for students to succeed. I have always believed that a good library
would be filled with technology that will help the students succeed in their
academic goals. Now, I know that the best system is not technology-centered,
but user-centered (Harland, 2011). I think the best method is one that takes
the users into account to make it useful to everyone.
There are a
lot of benefits to the Learning Commons model. There is modern technology that students
will need to use for 21st century learning. Collaboration is a major
aspect of modern learning, so providing an area for collaboration in the
library makes it easier for students to work together. Most importantly, the
Learning Commons model takes the learning needs of the students into
consideration when creating the work space, the materials available, the
websites, and the services provided. Students can now find what they need to
succeed in the 21st Century.
The local
libraries have started working on making the libraries better. They have added
comfortable chairs, more tables and group areas, and made only certain areas
quiet zones. The one thing they haven’t done is to ask the patrons what they
want and need. To implement the Learning Commons, we need to make a questionnaire
that will help us understand what the people need or want.
Harland, P. C. (2011). The
learning commons: Seven simple steps to transform your library. Santa
Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited.